At least ten pounds. Try this eat 5 small healthy meals a day. Exercise at least for 1 hour a day whatever you like I ran. Drink lots of water at least 8 cups of water a day. If you stick to this plan you will lose ten pounds or more
No! It depends on how much you weigh in order for you to lose weight in ten days. 3 out of 10 chance possibly 30% of 100% the least.
Its Impossible Losing that much weight that fast would be very unhealthy.
Hmmm, cold showers would have nothing at all to do with weight loss.
no; you will lose weight but not that much because you are still consuming calories, fats, ect.
An ideal weight loss to lose in 10 days is anywhere from 2-5 pounds. Anything more in that short amount of time can cause serious harm to your body.
10 lbs
Starving yourself is a rediculous and extremely unhealthy way of losing weight. Your body needs vitamins and minerals in order to lose weight in a healthy way. No matter how much you eat, (to a certain extent) if you eat healthy and you excercise consistantly, you will lose weight.
Doctors recommend at most 8lb weight loss a month, so you should only loss about 10 lbs.
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days grossed $177,079,973 worldwide.
It depend on how much you workout.
A woman that weighs 200 pounds can lose up to about 2-5 pounds in 10 days safely by consuming fruits and vegetables only, exercising efficiently, and water fasting.
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days grossed $105,807,520 in the domestic market.