it depends on whats average for you, i would say maybe for an average smoker maybe 2 grams a day but for a real pothead theres no number.
2 grams bull i would say at least 7 grams and true pot heads can go through ounces a day
Many people use less than a gram a day, and these aren't occasional users. To some this may seem like a sign of inexperience or weakness, yet it is a healthier and more frugal approach to cannabis use. Tolerance is a large factor in how much a recreational user consumes.
depends on what stuff you use and how much. for 1gram joint of $5 a gram weed: $1825 a year for 1gram joint of $20 a gram weed: $7300 a year
I have GERD and I'm an avid marijuana smoker. My symptoms stay about the same whether I smoke or not.
No, of course he doesn't... I met him once and he doesn't look like a weed smoker ...
YES smokin weed has no revelence to ur faith i have faith in God and i smoke weed everyday! E-V-E-R-Y- D-A-Y-! so light up that blunt or joint pack that bowl and smoke some weed cause what would jesus do? (he would smoke weed)_Zachsmith_ weed smoker
It can vary widely depending on the individual, tolerance level, and frequency of use. On average, a smoker typically uses around 0.5 to 1 gram per session, but this can range from smaller amounts to larger quantities depending on personal preference.
THC the active element in "weed" is oil soluble, so cook weed in oil or butter for about 10 15 min. (don't burn!), strain and there you go, I don't think this is as efficient as smoking by the way. you can use the oil/butter in cooking or just spread it on toast. People have died from second hand smoke. If a non-tobacco smoker can die from second hand tobacco smoke because he got tobacco smoke in his system, it is quite possible that a non smoker can get marijuana smoke in his system from being around marijuana smokers.
Depends how much weed they smoke .
The Great American Weed Smoker was created in 2008.
Weed (marijuana) is not a hallucinogen.
Cigarettes. yeah eventhough weed contains 4 times more tar than a normal cigarette, a smoker will smoke a lot more cigarettes than weed. So if you add up the number of tar entering the body, cigarretes will be worse.
New answerIt depends on how much you smoke and the strength of the drug:Urine: 2 days (one-time smoker) up to 11 weeks (heavy smoker).Blood: 2 days (one-time smoker) to 2 weeks (heavy smoker).Saliva: 24 hours (one-time smoker) to 10 days (heavy smoker).Hair: 90 days (one-time and full time smoker).Fat: 90 days (one time and full time smoker).The times are not 100% accurate. Because not only does it matter on how much you smoke, but it also matters how strong/pure the drug is (stronger/purer = stays in your system for longer).To be 100% safe, you're better off quitting the drug, particularly if your job involves machinery. Weed is a concentration-killer, even if you haven't smoked some for a few days.Previous answerIt will show up on your test uptill 2 weeks after you smoke it.