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depends on what stuff you use and how much.

for 1gram joint of $5 a gram weed: $1825 a year

for 1gram joint of $20 a gram weed: $7300 a year

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โˆ™ 15y ago
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โˆ™ 13y ago

As much as theyy want two

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Q: How much does an average pot smoker smoke daily?
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How much does the average smoker smoke?

1 pack every 2 weeks

How much does the typical marijuana smoker smoke in a week?

about 3 grams

How much marijuana does the average smoker uses?

It can vary widely depending on the individual, tolerance level, and frequency of use. On average, a smoker typically uses around 0.5 to 1 gram per session, but this can range from smaller amounts to larger quantities depending on personal preference.

How much of Australia's population are smoker's?

23 percent of adults in Australia smoke.

How much cigarettes does an average smoker smoke?

A pack a day smoker smokes 20 cigarettes x 365 days in a year, or 7300 Cigarettes. Half a pack a day, 3650 5 Cigarettes a day, 1825. One cigarette has between 1 and 1.5 mg of nicotine.

How much does an average smoker spend on cigarettes a day?

if the average smoker smokes one pack a day it is about $8 to $10 depends on the tax

Did t s eliot smoke?

Yes, T.S. Eliot was a smoker for much of his life. He was known to smoke both cigarettes and pipes.

How much money do people spend on cigaretts in a week?

Depends what kinda of smoker you are and what brand you smoke

How much money does a pack a week smoker smoke every week?

like 20 dollars

How many hours to do smoke salmon?

I smoke slamon at 170 degrees for at least 6 hours. I use a propane smoker that has a temp gauge. A little chief smoker I think takes pretty much 24 hrs.

You smoke 17 days ago will your urine be dirty?

it really all depends on how much you smoke, if you were an avid smoker before then and what ytou smoked.

How long does marijuana stay in your system if your not a regular smoker?

Maybe a week or 2 depending on how much you have when you do smoke