it doesnt matter how much you smoke. as soon as you smoke it, its in your system.
There's no range in guaiac testing. The choices of results are negative or positive.
Since they usually don't test hair follicles for cigarette smokers, I'm assuming the questioner is referring to marijuana smoke. The is, if it's enough to get you high once, it's enough to test. If it's not enough to get you high, it still may be enough to test. Testing of follicles for marijuana smoke is about as accurate as testing urine. It's far superior to urine for other drugs, such as cocaine, PCP, opiates, etc.
someone lied to my boyfriend because they tested positive to a marijuana test said they didnt smoke any i said they had to have to test positive to the test am i right
It is the POSITIVE pressure. Basically how much "push" the wind causes.
Pre-testing is done before and post-testing is done after. They are typically done before and after a class to measure how much was learned. They can also be done to measure the effectiveness of certain training or therapy.
Depends on how much you smoke and what drug.
You can smoke as much as you want, as long as you're not falling over during the race :)
it really all depends on how much you smoke, if you were an avid smoker before then and what ytou smoked.
Yes; it is possible but not likely.
No matter how much of it you smoke, you'll never equal 50 mg, so you really ought to give it up before you hurt yourself.
If the ultrasound showed no baby and your still testing positive on your hpt's its cause you have so much hCG's in your body to give a negative. You have about 10,000 so it could take a while before you get a negative. Sorry for the loss of your baby.
you just have to find all twelve of hers before there is too much smoke