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Since they usually don't test hair follicles for cigarette smokers, I'm assuming the questioner is referring to marijuana smoke. The is, if it's enough to get you high once, it's enough to test. If it's not enough to get you high, it still may be enough to test. Testing of follicles for marijuana smoke is about as accurate as testing urine. It's far superior to urine for other drugs, such as cocaine, PCP, opiates, etc.

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Q: How much do you have to smoke to test positive on a hair folicul test?
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How much weed can you smoke before testing positive?

it doesnt matter how much you smoke. as soon as you smoke it, its in your system.

How much weed would you smoke for it to show up on a yearn test?

someone lied to my boyfriend because they tested positive to a marijuana test said they didnt smoke any i said they had to have to test positive to the test am i right

How much jarijuana do you have to smoke for it to show up in a hair test?

about one or two grams

How much weed will cause a hair follicle sample to test positive?

One hit...

If you have not smoked weed in a month but your brother died in November of cancer and smoked all the time and you were by him are you going to pop positive on a hair test you did yesterday for weed?

THC stays in the hair much longer than in the body. Depending on how much hair is used in the test, THC can show up as long as 3 YEARS after last smoking it. For a urine test, THC shows up from 3-30 DAYS after last smoking it (depending on how much and how often you smoke.)

Can hair follicle detect marijuana five years?

it depends on how often, how much you smoke, and if you cut your hair often. they make hair washes that make marijuana undetectable if you have the time/money to order some if needed

Does second hand smoke test positive on a hair drug test?

Almost certainly not. The minute amount of THC (the active component of marijuana) which one might ingest from secondhand smoke would not be enough to cause a positive result on a hair follicle-based drug screen.

Which describes sidestream smoke?

Sidestream smoke is the smoke that escapes from the tip of a cigarette, cigar, or pipe. Sidestream smoke can be as much as half of the smoke from a cigarette.Mainstream smoke is a smoke that is inhaled through a tobacco product and exhaled by a tobacco smoker.

How much weed do you have to smoke to fail a hair drug test if you took a really small hit last week and have test tomorrow will you pass?

Yes you'll pass for sure.

How long does marijuanastay in system?

Depends on how much you smoke and for how long. Chances are, 4 weeks. This is assuming we are talking about how long THC stays stored in your fat, not talking about how a hair test.

Smoke does not bother susan as much as I. is this correct?

No that is wrong. It should be "Smoke does not bother Susan as much as me". use the same sentence without putting Susan in it and you have the correct answer "Smoke does not bother me" not "Smoke does not bother I"

How much smoke do indoor grills give off?

Too much for me and the smoke detector, if we're talking about a barbecue-type grill and not an electric griddle. The spattering grease causes just as much smoke indoors as it does outdoors, and even the best fan can't deal with that much smoke.