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DONT DO cant..they shouldnt of done it in the first place...that person could die and it would be nobodys fault but theirs................that how...

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 9mo ago

Drinking water alone will not flush meth out of your system. Methamphetamine is metabolized and eliminated by your body over time, primarily through urine. Staying hydrated can support your body's natural detoxification process, but it will not speed up the removal of meth from your system. It is important to seek medical advice if you are concerned about methamphetamine use.

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Q: How much water must you drink to flush meth out of your system?
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How much water will I have to drink to flush body of meth in one day?

It is not possible to "flush" methamphetamine out of your body by drinking water alone in one day. The body metabolizes meth at its own pace, which typically takes much longer than a day. It is important to seek medical help if you have concerns about methamphetamine use.

U.A.on monday last used Friday at midnight Whats the fastest way to flush system for meth Does baking soda work?

The fastest way to try to eliminate meth from the system is by staying well-hydrated and exercising to increase metabolism. Baking soda is not proven to help eliminate meth from the system. It is important to seek medical help if you are struggling with meth use.

How do you get meth out of your system if you have smoked it?

Methamphetamine typically stays in the body for 1-4 days, but can be detected in urine for up to a week. The best way to remove it from your system is by staying hydrated, eating a healthy diet, and getting plenty of rest to help your body naturally metabolize and eliminate the drug. However, the most effective way to rid your system of meth is to stop using it altogether.

What is the best method for cleaning meth out of your system fast?

The best way to clean meth out of your system quickly is to stay hydrated, eat a balanced diet rich in nutrients, and engage in regular exercise to help speed up your metabolism. However, the most effective method is to stop using meth altogether to give your body time to naturally detoxify. Consulting a healthcare professional for guidance and support is also recommended.

Can a hot tub help reduce the amount of meth in your system?

No, a hot tub cannot help reduce the amount of meth in your system. The best way to reduce meth levels is to seek medical help and follow a treatment plan.

Related questions

What can you drink to get meth out of your system?

There is nothing you can drink to get meth out of your system. You must wait for your body to naturally flush out this substance.

How do you get Lortab out of your system in 24 hours?

Drink lots of water. This should flush it out of your system.

Is there anything you can take to cover meth on 5 panel urine drug test?

drink lots of water flush your system take laxative or enema drink vinegar 1 houre before test drink gallon of certo

What can you do to get crystal meth out of your system?

you shouldn't be doing it in the first place. How embarrasing to fail a drug test because of crystal meth. Drink lots of water the drink idea is a good one, flush yourself with as much liquid as possible and drink cranberry juice, not cranberry cocktail 100 % cranberry if all u can find is cocktail than that's better than nothing but lots and lots of fluids

Can you clen meth by drinking water vineger?

Can you clen flush two day's with water & vineger

What is a home recipe for flushing one's system of crystal meth?

how to flush your body from Amphetamines

How do you crystal meth out of your system?

Take a half shot of blech then drink a lot of water then take a two hour shower

Can you flush meth from your system in 2hrs?

No sir, you cannot. It takes 3-5 days to leave your system.

How fast can you flush meth and how?

Drinking a lot of water and cramberry juice can help the body get rid of meth. You shouldn't do any if you had police trouble. They will check on you everytime they pull you over. And if meth is found again in your body. This time you'll go to jail.

How long does injected meth stay in your system?

without a cleansing regement, 3 days. but remember, meth is water soluable, so the more water you drink, the faster it processes out. it is also a drug that the more you do, the more it cakes up in your system, especially for a normal user who is probably staying fairly dehyradeted anyways.

How many cups of water does it take to flush out meth?

Yes it will. Remember though that drinking too much water too quickly can stop your heart. (And also remember that Meth is a hell of a drug and that if you are doing it, you should stop before it kills you...)

How do you pass ua for meth?

The best way to pass a test for meth is to not use the drug.