There is nothing you can drink to get meth out of your system. You must wait for your body to naturally flush out this substance.
yes they do.
Take a half shot of blech then drink a lot of water then take a two hour shower
drink lots of water flush your system take laxative or enema drink vinegar 1 houre before test drink gallon of certo
Drinking water alone will not flush meth out of your system. Methamphetamine is metabolized and eliminated by your body over time, primarily through urine. Staying hydrated can support your body's natural detoxification process, but it will not speed up the removal of meth from your system. It is important to seek medical advice if you are concerned about methamphetamine use.
you shouldn't be doing it in the first place. How embarrasing to fail a drug test because of crystal meth. Drink lots of water the drink idea is a good one, flush yourself with as much liquid as possible and drink cranberry juice, not cranberry cocktail 100 % cranberry if all u can find is cocktail than that's better than nothing but lots and lots of fluids
Don't put it in your system and that will not be a problem.
There is no good detox drink for meth. Drinking a lot of water may help pass the drug out of your system. Abstinence is the best way.
There really is no miracle pill or cure to help get meth out of your system. Instead, over time, the meth will break down within your body and you will pass it as urine.
Drink lots of water. This should flush it out of your system.
It's possbile, but what would be the point?