Anywhere from 3-5 pounds. To help reduce it drink plenty of water before and during period and limit salt intake.
It depends on how much water is in the air to start with and how big the dehumidifier is. Air temperature is also a major factor, cold air can't hold much water whereas warm air can. All a dehumidifier does is drop the air temperature below its dew point making it give up some of the water it holds.
The quauntity in liters is five times the water flow rate in liter/minute.
Not if you do it over a period of a few days. (You won't be able to drink it all in one sitting.)
Yes and no No because it doesn't actually doing anything to make you lose weight. Yes because it can be a substitute for other drinks that have calories which could cause you to gain weight. So if you drink water instead of pop you'll be taking in less calories than if you kept knocking back cokes or beer or whatever
You cannot drink 12 gallons of water at a time: you will throw up before you get all that down.Having said that, yes, you will die. You WILL drink more than 12 gallons of water during your life and, irrespective of how much you drink, you will eventually die.
It all depends on the person and the water weight they retain. But normally you shouldn't gain much weight if any at all.
You are not guarenteed to lose weight on your perio regardless of what you currently weight. If anything, girls tend to gain weight as they bloat or retain some water weight during their periods.
The critical period is a time where a child has the best ability to learn and I believe that it is around age 3-6. During this period children learn much more quickly and retain info better.
close in order to conserve water and prevent excessive transpiration. This helps the plant retain as much water as possible during dry conditions.
Sodium can retain water in the body, but the amount varies depending on factors like diet and overall health. Generally, sodium can cause the body to retain water, leading to bloating and increased blood pressure.
It makes you retain water
I am not sure how much, but they DO contain iodine and you should avoid them if you are liable to retain water .
All women are different. Some women "bloat", some don't.
Succulents, such as cacti and aloe vera, are known for their ability to retain water due to their thick, fleshy leaves and stems that store water. Other plants that can retain water are snake plants, jade plants, and ZZ plants, which have adaptations to survive in dry conditions by storing water in their leaves or rhizomes.
No. Salt causes the body to retain water, not water.
temperature plays a role in humidity
Hello. It varies greatly how much blood a woman loses during her period. Extreme bleeding during your period is considered as heavy bleeding that requires the Woman to change her sanitary towel every 1-2 hours.