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A man in the prime of life, worth $1,600 [equivalent to approximately $35,200 in today's dollars] or thereabouts, can have little hope of ever being able, by any little savings of his own, to purchase his liberty. But, let him have a rupture, or lose a limb, or sustain any other injury that renders him of much less service to his owner, and reduces his value to $300 or $400, and he may hope to accumulate that sum, and eventually to purchase his liberty. Freedom without health is infinitely sweeter than health without freedom.

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The price of a slave varied greatly depending on the time period, location, age, health, skills, and demand. In the United States during the 19th century, prices could range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars.

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How much is the 1807 2 coin worth which quotes the abolition of slave trade?

The 1807 2 coin depicting the abolition of the slave trade is a commemorative coin and its value can vary depending on its condition, rarity, and demand among collectors. It is advisable to have the coin evaluated by a numismatist or a reputable coin dealer to get an accurate estimation of its worth.

How much did slaves sell for back in the 17th century?

The price of a slave in the 17th century varied widely depending on age, health, skills, and location. On average, a slave could sell for anywhere between $500 to $1,000 or more, with some rare cases fetching much higher prices.

What happened to a slave owner if they killed their slave?

The consequences for a slave owner killing their slave varied based on the time and place. In some instances, there may have been legal repercussions such as fines or imprisonment, but enforcement and punishment were often lax when it involved a slave. Additionally, the social norms of the time often supported or justified violence against slaves, making it less likely for a slave owner to face significant consequences for killing their slave.

How much money was a woman slave sold for?

The price of a woman slave varied widely depending on factors such as age, physical condition, skills, and regional market demand. Prices could range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars.

What did you call a slave who escaped?

A slave who escaped was referred to as a fugitive or runaway slave.

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How much money was a child slave?

They were worth about $50 bucks

How much was an average slave worth?

3/5 the asking price

What a good research topic for a slave?

what jobs they did how they were treated and did they ever get beaten did they like it how much are they worth

How much is a pilot at Fly540 paid?

peanuts. not worth even talking about... disgraceful slave labour!

How much did a slave cost in the 1700s?

100-$200. 200 dollars from back then is worth thousands today.

What are the benefits of freeing a slave?

Freeing a slave allows them to regain their freedom, dignity, and autonomy. It also helps to promote equality and human rights by recognizing the inherent value and worth of every individual.

Why it was hard for a slave?

because they had to much to do. everyone wnat a slave.

Why did slavery cost too much?

it costs a lot of money because slave owners had to pay for accommodations so that the slave was intact conditions and that they were going up for a lot of money. also they had to pay for equipment so that slaves can work on a field or plantation. if a slave died they had to buy a new slave which would cost a lot of money which wasn't worth it

How much money was a slave sold for?

In 1700 a slave was sold for £20. In 1800 a slave was sold for £35.

How much is the 1807 2 coin worth which quotes the abolition of slave trade?

The 1807 2 coin depicting the abolition of the slave trade is a commemorative coin and its value can vary depending on its condition, rarity, and demand among collectors. It is advisable to have the coin evaluated by a numismatist or a reputable coin dealer to get an accurate estimation of its worth.

What was life like as a slave owner?

Good enough to be worth defending with a war.

Who was the slave that Jesus cured?

He was the slave of a Roman soldier not much else is known about him. Does that help?