Prices varied greatly from slave to slave, depending on their value as workers. Stronger slaves tended to be more expensive, as would people with experience in a trade such as smithing or carpentry.
slave plantations started in the first 13 started in the years of1820 thru 1860
By the start of the Civil War in 1860s, there was a large slave population in the United States. The total number of slaves were 3,950,528.
In 1860, the slave population in Tennessee was approximately 275,719.
$3 billion
about 4 million. You can get nos. for slave population from 1860 census on Web, you'll see it's over 3.9 million.
slave states
slave plantations started in the first 13 started in the years of1820 thru 1860
By the start of the Civil War in 1860s, there was a large slave population in the United States. The total number of slaves were 3,950,528.
The slave population of the south continued to grow, doubling from 2 million in 1830 to 4 million by 1860. Even though the international slave trade had abolished in the United States by 1808, it didn't stop being a lucrative business. The natural reproduction of slaves, whether consensual or forced, was an economic plus for the slave owner.
Joshua Ward from SC was the largest slave owner in 1860 with 1,130 slaves. Nathaniel Heyward from SC had 1,648 in 1851 making him the largest slave owner.