It should run for about $6 or $700...
I have one and it's an amazing gun. And very easy to operate
50-150 usd
50-150 USD or so
Best to ask a gunsmith for help
No published sn data in this country.
No published sn data in this country.
FEG has been making pistols for many years and made several different models in this caliber with different takedown procedures.
FEG stands for Fegyver es Gepgyar (Hungary) The model GPM-01 (if this is the model you are asking about) is worth: 100%=$425, 90%=$315, 60%=$165 The GPM-01 is the Daisy Model 91 (imported by Daisy in 1991 to 1997.)
I would suggest doing a search on Air gun repair and locate someone near you to fix it but. See the attached link below for the diagram of the air gun FEG-01
Relatively inexpensive guns- $150-$200, depending on condition, accessories, etc.
Just puchased P9R $400.00 so i would low $300.00 (really good deal)to $500.00 top end!
Feg Murray died in 1973.