25-140 usd
50-125 USD or so
how much is a steven's 12ga model 770 shotgun made by savage arms corp worth?
How much is a savage Stevens favorite rifle model 71 worth ? How much is a savage Stevens favorite rifle model 71 worth ? How much is a savage Stevens favorite rifle model 71 worth ?
I just took one to my friend who ownes a gun shop. His research indicated that a used one in fairly good condition is worth approx. $70.00-80.00. Bruce
25-150 usd
100-300 USD
50-125 or so
The Savage Arms Revelation model 115 is worth $150 in good condition. Revelation was a Western Auto name. The Western Auto is really a Savage 46.
$75-$100 Depending on condition
50-150 USD or so
5-75 usd