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about 6 months probation and $300 fine if you get caught... happy smoking pot head

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Q: How much is a gram of potent weed?
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How much does skunk weed cost?

i think its 5 dollars a gram and 25 a quarter think it cost the same as Reggie or dirt weed in weight...but its more potent

How much does a half gram of weed weight?

A gram is a gram.

How much does a gram of weed wiegh?

A gram of weed typically weighs one gram, which is equivalent to about 0.035 ounces.

How much is weed in Amsterdam?

About 14$ a gram

How much weed is in a nickel bag of regular weed in Jacksonville FL?

A gram

How much does one gram of weed weigh?

One gram of weed weighs exactly one gram. This is a standard measurement in the cannabis industry for small quantities of the product.

How much should you pay for a dime of weed?

Well it depends what dealer you got and how much your willing to spend but the normal prices are thease. weed dirt - (bad) $10 and under Mids - (ok, normal) $15-$20 Goods - (good weed) $20 or more

How much do a gram blueberry weed sale for?


How much does a 20 sack of weed weigh?

A Gram.

How much is weed in Canada?

Generally 10$ for a gram. For 25$ you may get a 3.5 gram.

How many joints can you make with a gram of weed?

The number of joints you can make with a gram of weed depends on how much you use in each joint. On average, you can typically roll 2-4 joints with a gram of weed.

I was currently caught with less than a gram of weed and a bowl. I was woundering if i will be in much trouble if any?

yes you will be......for not having enough weed.......loser if i have 7/8th's of a gram of weed, i consider myself outta weed.....ron white