The value is set by the current condition of the rifle. You need to state the condition something like Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good or excellent if you want an answer.
their were several Daisy models made in 1985. You need to state the Model Number to determine the value.
50-250 usd
10-100 USD or so
Your best answer should come from Daisy. Daisy offers a free service to answer questions about old Daisy airguns see the link below.
Without more information about the condition of the rifle it is not possible to answer your question. Your best bet is to ask Daisy. Daisy offers a free service to tell you more about your antique air rifle. see the link below
Daisy airgun offers a free service to estimate the value of old Daisy products. your best bet is to contact them for an answer. (see the link below)
Daisy airgun offers a free service to estimate the value of old Daisy products. your best bet is to contact them for an answer. (see the link below)
Do you mean the Buffalo Bill 3030 scout. If so then it is worth between $115 - $140
There are over 20 different versions of the Red Ryder BB rifle. Your best bet is to ask Daisy. Daisy offers a free service to answer you. See the link below.
Daisy airgun offers a free service to estimate the value of old Daisy products. your best bet is to contact them for an answer. (see the link below)
Without more information about the condition of the rifle it is not possible to answer your question. Your best bet is to ask Daisy. Daisy offers a free service to tell you more about your antique Daisy See the link below.
Without more information about the condition of the rifle, it is not possible to answer you. Daisy never made a model 1000 in 1959. It was made in 1997 and has been discontinued.