Your best answer should come from Daisy. Daisy offers a free service to answer questions about old Daisy airguns see the link below.
Daisy made a model Golden Eagle BB rifle but it was a model 104 golden Eagle from 1966-1974. Daisy made a model 88 Hunter rifle, roughly from 1957 - 1960 Daisy made a model 98 Daisy Eagle in three variations from 1955 -1960. (I think this is the rifle you are referring to.)
The Model 1894 is a BB rifle made by Daisy to resemble the Winchester lever action rifle used in the old west.
My understanding is the model 938 was a toy rifle not a bb rifle, but I did find out it was made in 1988
The Daisy Model 300 was made between 1968 - 75. Please state the current condition of the rifle to get an estimate of value?
The Daisy model 120 air rifle shoots at 500.fps.
The Daisy model 102 Cub was made between 1952-78
The daisy model 80 was made between 1954-57. It came with a scope and canteen. Please state the condition of the rifle to get an estimate of value.
The Daisy model 96 is a 700 shot BB rifle that was made between 1963 -1973
From Daisy. You can request a manual by email-
It all depends on the model and the condition of the rifle. Re post the queston with the model number and condition of the rifle and I will try to give you a price.
This model can be valuable, but I need to know the condition of the rifle to give it an estimate of value. Without any information about it, it is not possible to post an answer. So I am posting a Daisy Web Site (See Below) for you to get an answer directly from daisy.