What condition is it in..
50-200 USD
It all depends on the model and condition of the rifle.
In poor condition it is worth $30 in Like new condition it is worth $150
To get an estimate of value you will have to state the condition of the rifle and give the SN#. There are 5 different series of this rifle.
it depends on the quality. it could range from 20$ to 1000$
It all depends on the condition of the air rifle. Without more information it is not possible to answer you.
The BSA Mercury was made between 1972-1980
What condition is it in. That determines the value.
What condition is it in...........
I need two pieces of information. The model number and the current condition of the rifle. Give it a rating like Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good, or Excellent. The serial number is of no help.
Do you mean the Buffalo Bill 3030 scout. If so then it is worth between $115 - $140