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Q: How much is a 1984 Sheridan air rifle worth?
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Depending on the condition, a KP2 can fetch up to $450.

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It all depends on the current condition of the rifle. And is it still working. With out more information about the condition it is not possible to answer you. And I think you mean Rifle not Gun.

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It all depends on the current condition of the rifle. And is it still working. With out more information about the condition it is not possible to answer you. And I think you mean Rifle not Gun.

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This is obviously worth money buy I need the model number in order to answer you. Benjamin made several different models that were .22 Cal

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How much is a sheridan blue streak air rifle from the 1930s worth?

Sheridan made their first air rifle model in March 1947 so I don't believe yours could be from the 1930, more likely it was made sometime after 1972. The Sheridan model is a 20 caliber rifle not a .177 or .22 caliber like it's cousin the Benjamin model 392. The current Sheridan Blue Streak, CB9, sells for $190 at present. In order to give you an estimate of value I need to know the current condition of the rifle. Is it still working and holding air? Is it in Poor, Fair, Good, Very good, or Excellent condition? without more information it is not possible to give you an estimate of value.

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It's worth around $130 IN WORKING Condition. Also check the ( link below ) for shops that repair older air guns. Today Crosman air gun company owns the Sheridan name and products.

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