it's worth about $400-$500 if in a good condition, add a few bucks if it has a scope.
Generally it is a model 94 although Winchester used the Ranger name for other firearms as well.
.10 to 10 USD
The serial number is outside the range of Winchester rifles. (Too high)
It would be worth between 200-275 dollars.
50 USD and up depending on specfics
at least $300
100-1000 USD or more depending on specifics.
your winchester rifle will bring between 150-350 dollars depending on condition and a good bore.
How old is the Model 94 Winchester 3030 serial 4554129?
250-350 dollars depnding on condition and a good bore.
50-500 usd
The serial number can be used to determine which year it was built. Ask again with the serial number.