depending on the condition of your rifle,they are going for between 300-500 dollars.
your rifle is worth between 350.oo and 600.00
My grandpa give me this 3030 Winchester model 94 i need to know what year it was made
at least $300
250-350 dollars depnding on condition and a good bore.
50-500 usd
How old is the Model 94 Winchester 3030 serial 4554129?
"pre-64" means "before 1964". Figure it out for yourself.
your winchester rifle will bring between 150-350 dollars depending on condition and a good bore.
About $295.00 for a rifle in good condition. It will go up and down in price depending on the condition of the rifle.
were is the serial number at on a Winchester modal 94 3030 rifle
Your winchester model 1894 was made by winchester in 1972.