I would say the answer depends on a lot of different things. Are you the buyer or the seller? Good or bad condition. Are you a collector or a speculator? Are you rich or poor? This question is so unbelievably loaded it's pathetic. Let's see , someone painted the stock green and the barrel yellow and stamped their initials JD on it. Does this mean it's a one of a kind 121 that was made specifically for one of the Deere family members in 1954 and it's worth is astronomically high? I don't think so mainard!! If your in the market for anything, pay what it's worth to you. If your selling anything, put a price on it that would make you happy. Live by this and your life will be a happier one.
No such model made.
Remington made the model 700 rifle.Winchester made the model 70 rifle.
it is 56 Remington rifle model
how much is Remington model 700 worth how much is a Remington model 760 worth
All dependent on condition but in excellent condition this is a 500+ rifle.
In Excellent to MINT (LIKE NEW) $150-200. They are an older inexpensive plinker.
there is no such thing
what is a remington 7 milemeter in great shape wourth
I can find no reference to a Model 1194 Remington.
How much is a savage Stevens favorite rifle model 71 worth ? How much is a savage Stevens favorite rifle model 71 worth ? How much is a savage Stevens favorite rifle model 71 worth ?
about $500