It all depends on the current condition of the pistol. Without more information it is not possible to give you an estimate of value. It was made between 1955-1957
somewhere around $30
Just like automobiles, airguns value is determined by the current condition of the airgun. If you want an answer to your question then state the condition as Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good or Excellent. Also state if the pistol is still working. The Morton H Marksman was made in Los Angeles between 1955-57. This model is the forerunner of the Marksman Pistol Repeater, Marksman 1010 and about a dozen other names using the same basic design. It is rated at 200 FPS. Of all the models the original is the most valuable.
To get an answer you will have to state the condition of the pistol & is it still working?
It all depends on the model and physical condition of the pistol. If it's a model 1010 in poor condition it is worth less than $13. If it's a Marksman M&P in poor condition it's worth less than $30. In excellent condition (like new) the M&P it's worth $75. Very few Marksman are worth any value outside of the M&P model. Most range from about $8 to $40 depending on the model.
It would be worth between $45 - $60.
The Repeater itself is not woth much $10 if it is in great working condition. The Marksman Moving targer may be worth more. I found one on the net for $29. It all depends on who may want to buy it.
It all depends on the condition of the pistol. Please rate it as Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good or excellent. Like all antiques it depends on the current condition.
The air pistol is so inexpensive it is not worth repairing. However you could search the web for "Air Gun Repair" and locate a shop near you to have it fixed.
50-250 usd
You could try contacting Marksman at the link below. However this model is not worth more that $35 in excellent condition. So you need to decide if it is worth the repair. See the link below.
Which one?
For which pistol??