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I just bought a H.S. Brown Damascus double barrel in 10ga. Dated 1883 in very good condition for $400.

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Q: How much is a 1887 HS brown double barrel shotgun?
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Where is the serial number on a Winchester 1887 shotgun?

Check the receiver and barrel

Value of H Pieper double barrel shotgun Patent 23 April 1887?

$175-$250 in good condition.

What year was a hammerless single barrel shotgun made by J Stevens Tool Co?

The name with "Tool Co" at the end was only used from 1887 - 1916.

When was Hopkins and Allen shotgun SN 1980 made?

Hopkins and Allen made double barrel shotguns from 1902-1909,they made single shots from 1887 to the early 1900,s.they also made the 38xl and 44xl drop block shotguns from 1890,s thru 1914.

Who makes a model 1877 12 gauge lever action shotgun?

Winchester made a Model 1887 lever-action shotgun from 1887 - 1899. Norinco currently makes a reproduction of the Model 1887.

What ammunition does a Marlin 1887 shoot if it has 32W stamped under the hex barrel?

I'm assuming you have a Marlin model 1889, not 1887, as they never made a model 1887. The 1889 does have a patent date of 1887 on the barrel, so this is a common mistake. Any Marlin marked ".32W" on the barrel will normally be chambered for the .32-20 Win. cartridge.

When was the phrase not for ball dropped from shotgun proof marks?

in 1887

Where is the serial number on a 1887 Winchester?

Check the receiver and barrel

When was Eby-Brown created?

Eby-Brown was created in 1887.

Did Winchester make a lever action shotgun in 12 gauge?

Yes, the model 1887 was a lever action shotgun for 12 and 10 gauge. They made some takedown models also. A quick search on should give several variations and pictures. There is a new Chinese import copy of the 1887 with 20" barrel in 12 ga. They seem to be a very strong gun and fairly well made.

What is the range of a 1887 Winchester shotgun?

Around 22 cubic feet

What level r you when you earn the double shotgun on moderen warfar 2?

It is not a certain level that you can reach before you earn atkimbo *double* shotguns. For certain shotguns, such as the Model 1887 and the Ranger, you can earn the atkimbo for them by killing a certain number of people with them.