Not much. You burn 5 calories going up a flight of stairs. You burn 1 calorie talking for one minute. You burn 5 calories brusing your teeth (for 2 minutes). You burn 1 calorie standing for a minute. You burn 1 calorie laying down for 4 minutes.
It typically takes about 4-5 minutes of moderate to intense exercise to burn 1 calorie. However, the exact time may vary depending on factors such as your weight, metabolism, and the type of exercise you are doing.
A joule represents more energy than a calorie. 1 joule is equivalent to 0.239 calories.
It takes 1 calorie of energy to raise 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius. Since 1 cubic centimeter of water is equivalent to 1 gram, it would take 1 calorie of energy to raise 1 cubic centimeter of water by 1 degree Celsius.
You need 1 calorie of energy to heat 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius.
Actually, the SI unit of energy is the joule. The calorie is a non-SI unit of energy commonly used in nutrition. 1 calorie is equivalent to 4.184 joules.
A calorie is the amount of energy needed to heat 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius. So you can't burn a calorie.
It typically takes about 4-5 minutes of moderate to intense exercise to burn 1 calorie. However, the exact time may vary depending on factors such as your weight, metabolism, and the type of exercise you are doing.
blinking burns 1/1000th of a calorie, so every 1000 blinks you burn 1 calorie
depends on what you do during the day, but the body does have a absolute minimum amount of calories it will need to burn per day, its is around 1750 calories, give or take 300 for if you man or woman and you weight and age
If one burns off roughly one calorie per 20 steps, then it should take about 70,000 steps to burn off 3500 calories or 1 pound of body fat.
You should lose about 50 calories in a day if your calorie intake is 1200.
Less than what you'll burn from 1 hour jogging. Chunches is not a great calorie burner, just a good muscle exercise.
1.5 gms of protein = 6 calorie 1 gm of fat = 9 calorie 2.5 gm of carbs = 12 Total calorie in one disk = 27 calorie (approx)
The definition of a calorie is that, it's the energy needed to increase the temperature of 1 kilogram of water by 1 °C.
A calorie is a measure of energy. It doesn't make sense to ask how much energy you need to lose energy.
1 calories is equal to 1 calorie.
Water doesn't burn calories persay. While water is needed in the hydrolysis of carbohydrates, the moisture content of most foods and your body's water content should be pretty sufficient for digestion. Drinking excess water is not going to noticeably increase metabolism.