This depends on many factors. It depends on how much a person weighs, how fast the drunk the drink, and if they ate before or while they were drinking.
He might be drunk or really mucked up!
The average number of drinks drunk by an average thirst man is about 7, depending on if its a hot day or not.
A Drunk Man Looks at the Thistle was created in 1926.
the bartender
Get drunk lol, or get a mate to knock you out, harden up man
Col. Sherburn
Jurgis takes money from a man named Jack Duane so he can get drunk in the book "The Jungle."
Get drunk.
small man
Sherburn shot the drunk man in self-defense when the man threatened him with a gun. Sherburn believed he had the right to protect himself from harm.
Well, I think it depends on how drunk they are or what they are like when they are not drunk. If he says he likes you sober but seems to clingy or not clingy enough then he might not like you as much. If he claims he loves you drunk and never talked to you sober then he;s just a drunken cheater and an idiot. If you were in Los Vagus with a drunk man like him you'd be hitched already.