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Q: How much does blackberry messenger cost monthly?
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How much does blackberry messanger cost on pay as you go?

Blackberry Messenger only costs £5 on a pay as you go phone.

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How much does a blackberry cost cost?

A Verizon Blackberry can cost from anywhere between $30.00 and $300.00.

Is blackberry 9700 better than iPHONE?

That is a matter of opinion. BlackBerry 9700 is much better than the iPhone because it has BBM(BLACKBERRY MESSENGER).

How much does a Blackberry cost?

A Verizon Blackberry can cost from anywhere between $30.00 and $300.00.

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a Blackberry will usually cost around $89.76-&100.00

How much do you have to pay monthly with a blackberry boost mobile?

it will depend in your plan

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The starting cost for a Blackberry Playbook is 499 US dollars.

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It isRumored $199 Price for BlackBerry Storm

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