You press the black berry button, (the one with the dots) and school down until it says ping contact.
it means to nudge them..or whatever the sound is when they receive a text repeats...
When people say to you 'bbm me' It means that on the Blackberry phone, text/ping the person using 'Blackberry Messenger' AKA when people say to you bbm me just to talk to them using BBM.
There are no apps for Blackberry
almost all modern blackberry smartphones nowadays have BBM, so it does have it, and if it doesn't come with the phone, you can download it from BlackBerry App World or from the BlackBerry official site.
yes it has a ping-pong game ..believe its called paddle
To ping someone you go into the person that you which to ping and click the blackberry button, scroll down to "ping contact" and simply click!
Yeah you can but it would not be as modernized as in blackberry
You can ping someone by clicking the button on your phone that looks like a blackberry icon and scroll and one should say ping if you want a short cut just press the blackberry icon and press p and then press the button two down from it on your keyboard
Ping chat is basically another version of BBM (blackberry messenger) but, Ping chat can be use on most smart phones. you have to download it through your operator for example Android market or ios.
press the options blackbery button,whe you are on a blackberry press the p button on your keypad.and click the scroller button
it means to nudge them..or whatever the sound is when they receive a text repeats...
It depends on what you like, do you want a keyboard and ping go for the Blackberry, do you want a lot of games and a big screen go for iPhone 3GS
There are many famous Messenger applications for mobile phones as a replacement for the SMS texts. It all started with the PING! service, offered by RIM in the Blackberry phones.
When people say to you 'bbm me' It means that on the Blackberry phone, text/ping the person using 'Blackberry Messenger' AKA when people say to you bbm me just to talk to them using BBM.
Idea 1. What do you like about me? E.g Lips, hair, personality ect. Idea 2. Ping for a rate or paragraph Idea 3. Ping for me to broadcast your pin All of the fun kind !!