The no longer manufactured and banned from import U.S. Franchi SPAS-12 is average $1150 fair to $2500 for excellent condition on all current closed auctions.
$2000 USD
There is no such thing as a new SPAS-12. The SPAS-12 has been put out of production since 1994. The SPAS-12s imported before the ban are not illegal, however.
Yes you can own a spas 12 in the state of michigan
you should get the spas 12
It depends on what you prefer, you either prefer model 1887 or spas 12. in my opinion i prefer the spas 12 but it is your choice really.
Answer depends on what type of the 3 SPAS 12 Shotguns it is. SPAS-12 Fixed Stock Post 1990 Sporting Purpose Average $900-$1300 at Auction. SPAS-12L and SPAS-12 Made Prior to the 1990 Importation Ban Average $1300 Used to $2500 Unfired at Auction. The Shotgun Manufacturer Franchi had it's final retail price of this shotgun for sales Outside of the U.S.A in 2000 at $1500.00 Per Shotgun. Production ended in the year 2000 and only 5% of the Production made it into the U.S. before the Importation Ban.
Yes it is.
Franchi S.P.A. of Italy.
Spas Wenkoff died on August 12, 2013, in Bad Ischl, Upper Austria, Austria.
The SPAS is somewhat unique- it is BOTH. See the link below for more information.
Factory Franchi SPAS 12 slings in good condition sell average at $250 to $380 on closed Auctions.
if your are reffering to the gun spas 12 on Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and 3... you should be concerned as you are a nerd.