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Considering a dime weighs between 1.5 to 2 grams, an eighth weighs 3.5 to 4 grams, a quarter (depending on your dealer) could be 7 to 9 grams, and a half (always) 14, and the big O (oz) is 28. So if a dime should normally be capable of 2 joints divide 1.5 by 2, or 2 divided by 2... simple math eh?

On a stoner scale .5 grams is a pinner, .75 grams fairly average, and 1 gram or more would be fat.

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9mo ago

A joint of marijuana typically weighs about 0.5 to 1 gram, depending on how much is rolled into it and the size of the paper used.

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How much does 15 marijuana joints weigh in Texas?

There's no way to answer this correctly because the weight of a joint depends on how much is put into it. There's no one weight, it's all about preference.

How much is one gram of marijuana weigh?

1 gram.

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A half ounce.

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400 is the minimum for just one joint.

What was a fat marijuana joint called?

A fat marijuana joint is commonly referred to as a "fatty" or a "cannon."

What is a joint of marijuana?

when someone smokes pot, they take the marijuana and roll it into some smoking paper..this is called a joint

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A gallon of marijuana does not have a standard weight as it depends on the density and moisture content of the marijuana. On average, a gallon of dried marijuana would weigh around 3-5 pounds.

How can i roll a joint from a marijuana plant?

you can

What is in a joint of marijuana?

its marijuana rolled in a join paper it looks kinda like a cigarette

How much do ham hocks weigh?

Ham hocks typically weigh between 0.5 to 1.5 pounds, depending on the size of the joint.

How many grams of marijuana is in a joint?

You would usually roll between 0.2 and 0.7 grams in a joint. It really depends on the size of your joint and if you mix it with tobacco or not. Really just roll whatever fits in the paper, and if you have too much to smoke light it out and you can use it later. There are some pretty big joints being rolled out there too, like a whole ounce into a joint. It can get a LOT of people stoned and will burn for a really long time.