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Check with your local piercing parlor?

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Q: How much does a cheek piercing cost?
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How much does back piercing cost?

You're piercing your back?

Name of piercing on the cheek bone?

That would be the anti eyebrow.

How much does a cartilage piercing cost?

mine cost $40

How long do cheek piercings last without the piercing?

Without the jewelry to keep the piercing open, a cheek piercing will generally close within a few weeks. It can even happen in a few days if the piercing has not been there for a long period of time.

What is the average cost of snakebites?

The only way to know how much your piercing will cost is to contact your piercing studio and ask them.

How much does a jacob's ladder piercing cost?

around 70dollars each piercing where i live

How much does piercing your tongue cost?

30 buks

How much does a belly button piercing cost in Oklahoma?

That would vary based on the piercing shop.

How much does a nose piercing cost at Irish ink?

Either call or go to the piercing shop and ask?

How much gems does ourworld cheek marks cost?

100000000 mil

How Much does it cost to get a belly piercing in Nevada?

30 bucks

How much does a naval piercing at selfridges cost?

Phone them and ask.