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nothing douchbag.

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10mo ago

Modern slaves typically do not get paid at all, as they are exploited and coerced into working for little to no compensation. They are deprived of their basic rights, including fair wages, and are often forced to work in dangerous conditions without any regard for their well-being.

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Q: How much do modern slaves get paid?
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Slaves get paid nothing.

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No one paid them they were all slaves

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most Egyptian "builders" were slaves.

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slaves had to work almost all day everyday, but weren't paid very much, if at all... :(

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£500 - £2000 around

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Black slaves were not paid for their labor in the United States during the time of slavery. They were considered property and forced to work without compensation under brutal and inhumane conditions.

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There are no such things as elves! Santa's fake!

How much money did slaves make in a day?

Slaves didn't get paid. That's why people used them for manual labor. All they had to do was feed, cloth and shelter them.

How much did ancient Egyptian builders get paid for a week?

normal builders(slaves) didnt get paid but people who build houses and palaces did get payd. how much it was decided the one who pays them

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tributers were paid 25 shillings a week. in modern times that would be £1.25 a week. isn't much is it? but that was how much they were paid.

How much did slaves get paid?

They were slaves, they worked for food and shelter, not money. They would never get paid the white man took them from their country so the slaves could work for free on the white man's land and farms.