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if you are bleeding during pregnancy you should seek medical advice

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Q: How much blood is fine at 6 weeks of pregnancy?
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Is it normal to have mucus discharge with some old blood visible at 15 weeks pregnant?

I am 15 weeks pregnant and from 10 weeks until about 13 weeks i bled quite heavily and it turned out to be a clot but baby is fine so dont worry too much. Always get checked out with any sort of bleeding or pain though. All the best and good luck with your pregnancy!!

How much time does it take in the mothers belly for pregnancy?

40 weeks from conception

What is normal time of pregnancy in third child?

I think the more children you have the quicker the pregnancy but not much less probably 37-38 weeks

How much time does a baby spend in its mother's uterus?

The average length of a pregnancy is 39 weeks.

Is there a such thing as having to much sex while being pregnant?

No, sex is fine during pregnancy. If you have a sensitive pregnancy the doctor would tell you to abstain.

How much amount of blood needed to detect pregnancy?

About half a syringe full.

How much extra blood does a woman carry during pregnancy?

50% more.

What is the average lenth of a twin pregnancy?

Approximately 35 weeks. this is when the twins stop growing to so much.

How much does a baby weigh in the first 2 weeks of pregnancy?

Its the a sak and dosent weigh really nothing

How long do you need to wait before taking a pregnancy test while you are on birth control and don't get periods?

Wait at least 2-3 weeks until after you had sex to take the pregnancy test. Even then it might not be a high enough level to detect the hormone. Blood tests at the doctor are much quicker.

How much papaya can be used for two weeks pregnancy?

No one knows since there is no research on this. If it works it's a fluke.

How many days after conceiving will you know that you are pregnant?

I was 2 weeks pregnant when I found out. And I was on my period. You can take the test 2 weeks after sex, that is when the pregnancy pretty much starts.