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I'm having a miscarriage. How much bleeding is normal during a miscarriage?

Any bleeding is serious including bleeding during a miscarriage.

If you are having a miscarriage and bleeding anymore than your normal period then you need to call help immediately!!!

It is not normal in any case what so ever to be loosing more blood then a normal period during a miscarriage.

The only thing that should be coming out is clumps and clots of blood that are red fleshy looking. And you should have the same amount of liquid blood coming out as your normal heavy period.

If anymore is coming out than what a pad can soak up within half an hour (in other words if you need to change your pad every 30 min's or less then..) THEN YOU ARE IN SERIOUS DANGER AND NEED TO GO TO THE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT OR BETTER YET CALL AN AMBULANCE! Don't think you will just be ok.

What's most likely happening is that a big clot of blood (a red flesh looking substance) or any other such solid part or parts from the pregnancy are stuck making your body try to "bleed" them out by flushing blood past it. Meaning that the red flesh like substance or other such solid part won't shift until the doctor removes it, meaning it will make you continue to bleed over the course of several hours until you then pass out and eventually die. So do something about it now! Call an ambulance or go to the hospital emergency!

Info thanks to JMJ

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It can be a sign of a miscarriage or it can just be "normal" bleeding. If you are bleeding, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. With a miscarriage the bleeding is usually "chunky" and you have cramps, but not always. It could be a sign of miscarriage if its heavy bleeding like a period i had a miscarriage 2 months ago and mine started out with mild cramps then i started to sopt brown and then i was bleeding like a normal period and a few hours later the cramps got really bad talk to your doctor about this. Dont worry to much over it some women do spot when they are pregnant. Good Luck!

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Typically, a five week miscarriage would cause bleeding like a period.

How much is too much spotting during first trimester?

Yes, perfectly normal. It's called implantation bleeding.

How much bleeding causes a miscarriage?

Bleeding is a symptom of miscarriage, not the cause. If a woman is miscarrying, it usually means the embryo/fetus has already died and the bleeding starts when the body recognizes that it is no longer pregnant and starts to clean out the uterus so that the fertility cycle can begin again.

After a miscarriage do you stay in the hospital over night?

depends on how late the miscarriage is, and how much bleeding it causes. Early misscarriages usually don't cause much bleeding, so not much point in hospitalization. Late misscarriages can be rather messy and quite dangerous for the woman, so are more probable to lead to some hospitalization.

How much blood is too much during miscarriage?

as your doctor. call them now.

What should you see with a 12 week miscarriage?

During a miscarriage at the 12 week point you can see large clots (that look much like raw liver) and you can also see the baby's body. The baby will look somewhat grey (hence the term grey matter). You should bleed for a few days. At first the bleeding and cramping might be severe but if there are no complications and the miscarriage is a complete miscarriage the symptoms will lessen.

Is bleeding with no pain at EIGHTEEN weeks pregnant a sign of miscarriage?

That depends on how much bleeding? Did you recently have sex because that can cause some bleeding. You don't always have to be in pain to miscarry. You should call your ob/gyn immediately.

Can mustard greens cause a miscarriage?

I doubt you can eat so much that it leads to miscarriage. If you want to abort you need to see a doctor. Otherwise just eat a normal portion.

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decidual bleeding happens during the time of your perids and implantation much before

Can you have miscarriage with out the cramping just blood?

Yes, you can. I miscarried last week and had what would be a normal period for me, just dull achy cramps and not super heavy bleeding. Unfortunately, it is so hard to predict what your body will do because everyone is different. If you are not having any cramping, be thankful, it could be much worse.

A pregnancy test result was negative then you started bleeding. Now you've taken two pregnancy tests reading positive. Did you have a miscarriage when you started bleeding?

This is difficult to answer. It depends on whether you performed one or more pregnancy tests. If you only took one test then its very possible this test was faulty but false positives are not as common as false negatives. If the bleeding arrived when your period was due and was exactly like a period then I would personally believe this was your period and is not caused by a miscarriage.