A typical starting load for the ball and cap Leinad pistol would be about 15 grains of fffG powder.
Never heard of it. Need a detalied description of all markings, finish, barrel length, condition. Leinad made several different models of .410/45LC derringers. A five shot pepperbox, single shot pistols, double barrel pistols, and a Model PD which was a two shot revolving pistol.
They sell on gunbroker.com for around $200
This weapon was manufactured by the maker of the MAC10. I have an over-under derringer by FMJ Ducktown, TN. It is a 22cal under and a 410/colt 45 over. Some infomantion is under LEINAD which is Daniel spelled backward. Also COBRAY. JD
The company is the propery of Sylvia and Wayne Daniels. "Leinad" is his last name spelled backwards. They are currently not producing any and they don't speak about their future plans. YES! Leinad Derringers are still made. I just bought one ( 8/2/2010) They are made under many names ( Leinad, FMJ , Cobray and a few others ) They are available in double and single barrel in .45LC/.410 and .451 black powder. ( barrels are interchangeable between BP and Smokless models BTW. Just check your state and local laws ) They can be bought from Practicaltactical.net or KYimports.com.
50-300 depending on specifics
15-50 USD
NO, not safely anyway. the black powder guns use a much larger barrel pivot pin that their firearm counterparts. to switch from the black powder to accept a 410 barrel you would have to drill out the pivot pin hole on the .410 barrel to accept the larger pin, the black powder barrel support arm is thicker, to account for this....the .410 barrel support arm will become to thin from the drilling making it prone to creak or break.... need anything leinad related? guns, parts, kits, pictures, advice? contact me. xthexheadx@gmail.com
I don't see dbl in Remington, if you mean the dbl in general when when referring to a Remington firearm that's double as in double barrel shotgun, derringer, etc.
Probably not. There is no standardization between makers. Come to think of it, why do different cars use different spark plugs? Same thing.
10-100 usd