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The company is the propery of Sylvia and Wayne Daniels. "Leinad" is his last name spelled backwards.

They are currently not producing any and they don't speak about their future plans.

YES! Leinad Derringers are still made. I just bought one ( 8/2/2010) They are made under many names ( Leinad, FMJ , Cobray and a few others ) They are available in double and single barrel in .45LC/.410 and .451 black powder. ( barrels are interchangeable between BP and Smokless models BTW. Just check your state and local laws ) They can be bought from or

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Q: Do they still make the leinad derringer?
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Related questions

Does Leinad Make a single barrel 410 pistol?

Yes, it is a 410/45LC combo derringer, and runs about $80-$100.

How much blackpowder used in 451 double barrel Leinad derringer?

A typical starting load for the ball and cap Leinad pistol would be about 15 grains of fffG powder.

Where can you buy a leinad derringer?

Currently on at this link:

How much for a used leinad derringer with a 10 shot barrel and a5 shot 45 barrel?


Is fmj still makein firearms in duck town if so how do you contact them?

To contact FMJ makers of the 45/410 Derringer write to Leinad Inc.... PO Box 579 ....... Ducktown,TN 37326

Antique derringer 45 cal from Ducktown Tn?

Almost certainly NOT an antique. Made by Leinad Inc. in Ducktown, TN. They also made a side by side .410/.45 derringer. I have one and it is very impressive to shoot.

Leinad 410-45lc derringer type pistol?

Never heard of it. Need a detalied description of all markings, finish, barrel length, condition. Leinad made several different models of .410/45LC derringers. A five shot pepperbox, single shot pistols, double barrel pistols, and a Model PD which was a two shot revolving pistol.

How can you make derringer plural?

The plural form for the noun derringer is derringers.

When was Derringer 38 Special serial number 022861 made?

We need a make of derringer.

Where can you find information on a double barrel shotgun with a derringer style grip and FMJ Ducktown TN Model D5 410 stamped on it?

This weapon was manufactured by the maker of the MAC10. I have an over-under derringer by FMJ Ducktown, TN. It is a 22cal under and a 410/colt 45 over. Some infomantion is under LEINAD which is Daniel spelled backward. Also COBRAY. JD

Where can you find a leinad arms 45.410 dbl barrel?

Go to and enter Leinad in the search block.

What is the birth name of Bill Derringer?

Bill Derringer's birth name is William Derringer.