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It depends on where you are and what you are charged with.

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Q: How many years can you get from having a gun?
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How many gun deaths have been attributed to having been bought at gun shows?

No data

How long can you get for having a gun as a felon?

Up to ten years, as per federal law.

How long will you go to prison for having a gun?

You don't have to go to jsil just for having a gun. You can if you shoot someone without any good initiative such as if it's a life or death crisis. You can if you have a gun without a liscense. There are many reasons you can go to jail involving a gun, but not for just having a gun.

How many years did Machine Gun Kelly serve Alcatraz?

17 years

How many times can a gas Airsoft Gun shoot before having to be re-gassed?

15-20 depending on the gun

How many years does a felon get for a loaded gun?

FOREVER. Convicted felons can never own a firearm or vote.

How many years would you get for carrying a gun?

It depends on what state and the crime. Get a lawyer

When a gun is bought from a dealer is it registerd?

Generally speaking, no. A few states, 5 or 6, require gun registration, but in most of the U.S. there is no registration. The 4473 form you fill out stays at the gun shop for 20 years, then after that, the gun shop can shred and dispose of the forms, but that isn't the same thing as having to register the gun.

What is the penalty for having an unregistered gun?

in MOST of the US, there is no requirement to register a gun.

How many years do you have to b felony free to own a gun in ca?

Your entire life.

How many years can you live when having kidney dailysis?

about 5 or 6 years or so.

How many states passed gun control?

There are thousands of laws that relate to gun control, and cover every state. Those laws have been there for years.