

Best Answer

Words from many contributors that can be made from the letters in Merry Christmas:

  1. a
  2. ace, aces
  3. ache, aches
  4. acid, acids
  5. acme, acmes
  6. acre, acres
  7. act, acts
  8. actress
  9. aim, aims
  10. air, airs, airy
  11. am
  12. arc, arcs
  13. arch, arches
  14. archer, archers
  15. are
  16. ares
  17. arm, arms
  18. arm, arms
  19. armrest, armrests
  20. army, armies
  21. arrest, arrests
  22. art, arts
  23. artery
  24. as
  25. ash, ashes
  26. ass
  27. asset
  28. asymmetric
  29. asymmetry
  30. at
  31. ate
  32. aye
  33. cam, cams
  34. came
  35. car, cars
  36. care, cares
  37. carer, carers
  38. caret, carets
  39. carrier, carriers
  40. carry, carries
  41. cart, carts
  42. case, cases
  43. cash
  44. cashier
  45. cast, casts
  46. caste, castes
  47. caster, casters
  48. cat, cats
  49. catch, catches
  50. cater, caters
  51. ceramist, ceramists
  52. chair, chairs
  53. chamise
  54. chammy
  55. char, chars, chariest
  56. charm, charms
  57. charmer, charmers
  58. chart, charts
  59. charter, charters
  60. chary
  61. chasm, chasms
  62. chat, chats
  63. cheat, cheats
  64. cherry
  65. chert, cherts
  66. Chess
  67. chest, chests
  68. chi
  69. chime, chimes
  70. chimer, chimers
  71. chit, chits
  72. chrism
  73. Christ
  74. cite, cites
  75. cram, crams
  76. crash, crashes
  77. crass, crasser
  78. crate, crates
  79. crater, craters
  80. cream, creams
  81. cress
  82. crest, crests
  83. crier, criers
  84. crime, crimes
  85. crises
  86. cry, cries
  87. cyst
  88. each
  89. ear, ears
  90. east
  91. easy
  92. eat, eats
  93. em, ems
  94. emir, emirs
  95. emit, emits
  96. era, eras
  97. err, errs
  98. erratic
  99. erst
  100. erythrism
  101. eta, etas
  102. hair, hairy
  103. ham, hams
  104. hammer, hammers
  105. hamster, hamsters
  106. hare
  107. harem, harems
  108. harm, harms
  109. Harry
  110. has
  111. hast
  112. haste, hastes
  113. hat, hats
  114. hatch, hatches
  115. hate, hates
  116. hay
  117. he
  118. hear, hears
  119. heart, hearts
  120. heat, heats
  121. heir, heirs
  122. heist
  123. hem, hems
  124. her, hers
  125. hermits
  126. hey
  127. him
  128. hire
  129. his
  130. hiss
  131. hit, hits
  132. hmm
  133. hysteria
  134. I
  135. ice, ices
  136. is
  137. it, its
  138. itch, itchy, itches
  139. item, items
  140. ma
  141. mace, maces
  142. mach
  143. maim, maims
  144. mar, mars
  145. march, marches
  146. marcher, marchers
  147. mare, mares
  148. marmite
  149. marry, marries
  150. Mars
  151. marsh, marshes, marshy
  152. mart, marts,
  153. martyr, martyrs
  154. maser, masers
  155. mash
  156. masher, mashers
  157. mass
  158. mast, masts
  159. master, masters
  160. mastery
  161. mastic
  162. mat, mats
  163. match, matches
  164. mate, mates
  165. math
  166. matrices
  167. may, mayst
  168. me
  169. meant
  170. meat, meats
  171. mercy
  172. merit, merits
  173. merry
  174. mesh
  175. mess
  176. met
  177. meter or metre
  178. mica
  179. micra
  180. mire, mires
  181. mirth
  182. miry
  183. miscarry
  184. miscast
  185. miser, misers
  186. misery
  187. mismatches
  188. miss, misses
  189. mist, mists, misty
  190. mister, misters
  191. mite, mites
  192. miter, miters, mitre
  193. my
  194. myrrh
  195. mystic, mystics
  196. myth, myths, mythic
  197. race, races
  198. racer, racers
  199. racism, racist
  200. racy
  201. raise
  202. ram, rams
  203. rare, rarer, rarest
  204. rash
  205. rat, rats
  206. rate, rates
  207. rater, raters
  208. rather
  209. ray, rays
  210. reach
  211. react, reacts
  212. ream, reams
  213. rear, rears
  214. rearm, rearms
  215. recast, recasts
  216. remiss
  217. remit, remits
  218. resist
  219. rest, rests
  220. retch
  221. retry
  222. rhyme, rhymes
  223. rhyme, rhymes
  224. rhymer, rhymers
  225. rice, rices
  226. ricer, ricers
  227. rich, riches, richer
  228. rim, rims
  229. rime, rimes
  230. rise, rises
  231. rise, rises
  232. riser, risers
  233. rite, rites
  234. rye
  235. sac, sacs
  236. same
  237. samite
  238. sash
  239. sat
  240. sate
  241. satire
  242. satyric
  243. say, says
  244. scam, scams
  245. scar, scars
  246. scare, scares
  247. scare, scares
  248. scary
  249. scary, scarier
  250. scat, scats
  251. schematism
  252. schism
  253. schist
  254. scram
  255. scream, screams
  256. scrim, scrims
  257. sea, seas
  258. seam, seams
  259. search
  260. seat, seats
  261. sec, secs
  262. sect, sects
  263. semi, semis
  264. set, sets
  265. sham, shams
  266. share
  267. she
  268. sherry
  269. shim, shims
  270. shimmer, shimmers
  271. shimmy
  272. shirr, shirrs
  273. shirt, shirts
  274. shy, shyer
  275. shyster
  276. sic
  277. simmer, simmers
  278. sir, sirs
  279. sire
  280. sister
  281. sit, sits
  282. site, sites
  283. smarmy
  284. smart, smarter
  285. smarts
  286. smarty
  287. smash, smasher
  288. smear, smears
  289. smirch, smirches
  290. smite, smites
  291. smith, smithy, smiths
  292. stammer
  293. star, stars
  294. starry
  295. starch, starchy
  296. stare, stares, starer
  297. stay, stays
  298. steam, steamy
  299. stem, stems
  300. stir, stirs
  301. stirrer, stirrers
  302. stray
  303. stream
  304. sty, sties
  305. symmetric
  306. tam, tams
  307. tame, tames
  308. tamer, tamers
  309. tar, tars,
  310. tare, tares
  311. tarry
  312. taste
  313. tea, teas
  314. teach
  315. team, teams,
  316. tear, tears
  317. techs
  318. term, terms
  319. terry
  320. test, tests
  321. the
  322. their
  323. them
  324. there
  325. therm, therms
  326. they
  327. this
  328. thy
  329. thyme
  330. tic, tics
  331. tie, ties
  332. tier, tiers
  333. time, times
  334. timer, timers
  335. tire, tires
  336. trace, traces
  337. tracer, tracery
  338. tram, trams
  339. trash, trashes
  340. trashy
  341. tray, trays,
  342. tress
  343. trey, treys
  344. trice
  345. trim, trims
  346. trimmer, trimmers
  347. try, tries, triers
  348. tryst
  349. tyre, tyres
  350. yacht
  351. yam, yams
  352. yea
  353. year, years
  354. yeast
  355. yes
  356. yet

Here are words that you could use...

  1. act, acts
  2. ah
  3. aim, aims
  4. air, airs
  5. am
  6. arch, arches
  7. arm, arms
  8. art, arts
  9. as
  10. ash, ashes
  11. at
  12. cam, cams
  13. car, cars
  14. cart, carts
  15. cash, cashes
  16. cast, casts
  17. cat, cats
  18. chair, chairs
  19. cha
  20. charm, charms
  21. chart, charts
  22. chat, chats
  23. cram, crams
  24. crash, crashes
  25. ha
  26. hair, hairs
  27. ham, hams
  28. harm, harms
  29. has
  30. hat, hats
  31. hi
  32. him
  33. his
  34. hiss
  35. hist
  36. hit, hits
  37. is
  38. it
  39. itch
  40. its
  41. ma
  42. mar, mars
  43. march, marches
  44. Mars
  45. marsh, marshes
  46. mart, marts
  47. mash, mashes
  48. mass
  49. mast, masts
  50. mastic
  51. mat, mats
  52. match, matches
  53. math
  54. miscast
  55. miss
  56. mist, mists
  57. ram, rams
  58. rash, rashes
  59. rat, rats
  60. rich, riches
  61. rim, rims
  62. sac, sacs
  63. saith
  64. sari, saris
  65. sash
  66. sat
  67. scam, scams
  68. scar, scars
  69. scat, scats
  70. schism
  71. schist
  72. scram, scrams
  73. scrim, scrims
  74. sh
  75. sham, shams
  76. shat
  77. shit
  78. shim, shims
  79. shirt, shirts
  80. sic

MERRY CHRISTMAS a, as, at, am, air(s), aery, ass, assert, are, arm(s), art(s), arch(es), arc(s), aye(s), ate, ache(s), Asthma, Christ, Christmas, cherry, chair(s), char(s), cart(s), chart(s), car(s), cram(s), crass, care(s), carry, carries, charm(s), chase(s), chasm(s), cry, cries, crime(s), chrism, cream(s), ear(s), era(s), err(s), earth(s), each, eat(s), etch, east, heart(s), hear(s), harm(s), hair(s), harry, harries, harsh, hast, haste, hasty, hate(s), hat(s), heat(s), her, his, him, hit(s), has, ham(s), hire(s), hare(s), hie(s), hearty, i, is, it, ire, itch, itches, itchy, mass, mast(s), mist(s), miss, mire(s), match(es), meat(s), mat(s), mess, mart(s), march(es), marcher, mirth, me, ma, mar(s), my, merry, marry, marries, maim(s), mash(es), math(s), myth(s), rise(s), raise(s), ray(s), rare, race(s), ram(s), rim(s), rime(s), rhyme(s), rye, rice, rear(s), reach, rich(es), steam, stem(s), stay(s), sir(s), shame(s), sham(s), share(s), scare(s), scar(s), starch(es), sir(s), sire(s), stir(s), shirt(s), smirch(es), shim(s), smash, sty, sties, stymies, scary, starchy, stray, she, shirr(s), sherry, shy, shies, scry, scries, tarry, tarries, them, they, their, theirs, the, this, thy, try, tries, trim(s), tram(s), trace(s), teach, tam(s), tame(s), tire(s), time(s), term(s), tie(s), team(s), ye, yet, yes, yam(s), year(s)
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Q: How many words can be made with the letters in Merry Christmas?
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One proper name is the town of Bethlehem. One word not directly related to Christmas would be "messianic".

What year was the first volleyball made?

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Who made the song we wish you a merry Christmas?

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The longest English word you can spell with the letters from Christmas day is Christmas Day

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What is the name of the song that goes Merry Christmas Merry Christmas its with a girls voice and all the stations are playing it you cant find it Help you?

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