Words that can be made from the letters Merry Xmas are:
I don't know!There's met.Mat.Tray.Try it!
There are 3.
The words ten, rent, and teen can be made from the word enter. I can make 3 new words from the word enter.
I don't know!There's met.Mat.Tray.Try it!
Remember, Race, Bra, Member, Ban, Red, Made, Mad, Ran, Can, Man, Many, Merry Ect x
Remember, Race, Bra, Member, Ban, Red, Made, Mad, Ran, Can, Man, Many, Merry Ect x
Xmas, or in some cases X-mas, is an easier way to write Christmas. So in many ways, the X in Xmas stands for Christ.
Oh, dude, let's see. So, from "Merry Christmas," you can make words like "mice," "mars," "star," and "mire." There are probably more, but who has time to sit here and list them all out? Just trust me, there are a bunch.
The anser is 2 christ and mas.Those are the 2 words in christmas if it is christmas merry chrstmas
Merry Tales has 209 pages.
There are 305 shops and services in Merry Hill
You can make the words: ma, me, am,
Words that can be made from the letters in MAKE are:aammame
18 episodes were made and 2 xmas specials