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All healthy, full-term pregnancies will last an average of 40 weeks.

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Q: How many weeks are in a pregnancy for second pregnancy?
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How many weeks in is the second trimester if pregnancy?

There is also 12 weeks in the second trimester

Ho many weeks does a pregnancy last?

it last 40 weeks

How many weeks makes seven months during pregnancy?

30 weeks.

If your period has been missed but you would only be two weeks pregnant when should you test?

Many pregnancy tests can ascertain pregnancy within the first week. If you believe yourself to possibly be within the second week, you could take a pregnancy test now.

How many weeks left after 34weeks of pregnancy?

Based on pregnancy being 40 weeks, it would be 6 weeks. However a pregnancy can end before or after that, so it could be anything from about 4 to 7 weeks.Based on pregnancy being 40 weeks, it would be 6 weeks. However a pregnancy can end before or after that, so it could be anything from about 4 to 7 weeks.Based on pregnancy being 40 weeks, it would be 6 weeks. However a pregnancy can end before or after that, so it could be anything from about 4 to 7 weeks.Based on pregnancy being 40 weeks, it would be 6 weeks. However a pregnancy can end before or after that, so it could be anything from about 4 to 7 weeks.Based on pregnancy being 40 weeks, it would be 6 weeks. However a pregnancy can end before or after that, so it could be anything from about 4 to 7 weeks.Based on pregnancy being 40 weeks, it would be 6 weeks. However a pregnancy can end before or after that, so it could be anything from about 4 to 7 weeks.Based on pregnancy being 40 weeks, it would be 6 weeks. However a pregnancy can end before or after that, so it could be anything from about 4 to 7 weeks.Based on pregnancy being 40 weeks, it would be 6 weeks. However a pregnancy can end before or after that, so it could be anything from about 4 to 7 weeks.Based on pregnancy being 40 weeks, it would be 6 weeks. However a pregnancy can end before or after that, so it could be anything from about 4 to 7 weeks.Based on pregnancy being 40 weeks, it would be 6 weeks. However a pregnancy can end before or after that, so it could be anything from about 4 to 7 weeks.Based on pregnancy being 40 weeks, it would be 6 weeks. However a pregnancy can end before or after that, so it could be anything from about 4 to 7 weeks.

How many weeks of pregnancy you have to be to have pressure pain the uterus?


If the crl measures at 22mm how many weeks along is the pregnancy?

about 9 weeks +/- 4 days

Your doctor said you were 14 weeks and 1 day making it 12 weeks gestation your second scan at 20 weeks was the same how accurate are these scans?

If two scans early in pregnancy say the same they are extremely accurate. Your pregnancy gestation was 14 weeks and 1 day as pregnancy is counted from the first day of your last period (if you have a 28 day cycle) it was 12 weeks from conception.

How many weeks is in second quarter of 2015?

There are 13 weeks in the second quarter of 2015.

In early pregnancy can you feel the fetus move especially if this is your second pregnancy?

You should feel your baby's first movements, called "quickening," between weeks 16 and 25 of your pregnancy. By the second pregnancy, some women start to feel movements as early as 13 weeks. You're more likely to feel baby move when you're in a quiet position, either sitting or lying down.

How many weeks is a pregnancy due date?

You should probably wait for 2-3 weeks or so just to have the results transferd in.

How many weeks does it takes for your stomach to get hard at the bottom during pregnancy?

At 13 weeks your uterus can be felt right above the pelvic bone, at 20 weeks your uterus can be felt at your belly button. A multiple pregnancy (twins, etc) will cause more rapid growth of the uterus.