If she text back really fast, and uses smiley faces
They will probably wait up to a week but if you think about it 4 days isn't that long so I would wait.
In text mode your options will be limited to fonts, sizes, and colors; in graphic mode you should have more Paint-like options.
A number field will not accept text. If it does accept text, then it cannot be a number field. Text fields can accept digits, but number fields cannot accept other text. They will only accept digits and other numeric components, like a decimal point for example. Sometimes you will define a field for numbers, such as phone number or code numbers to be text fields. In fact, that is what you should do for that type of data. You never do calculations with phone numbers, like adding them or getting averages, so they can be stored in text fields, as there is no need for them to be stored in number fields. Also, a zero at the start of a phone number, would disappear if entered into a number field, and it would also not allow things like spaces or brackets.
you should ask and wait for an answer
text back asap!
Yes you should
if you really like them, just text him/her.
Just ask her out, it should be easier if not in person.
Nope, you will seem desperate. Best to play it cool.
There could be many reasons that a girl may not text someone back, even if they ask the person to text them. The girl may not be that into the person, or they may have been busy and have not had time to text the person back.
twice a day every day
You could try. As you are in the same class, you could even try talking to her.
This is my opinon but I wouldn't mind being text by a girl everday or so if he a close "friend" he won't mind. Just don't be to obsesive. -alex
No, only the same gender should text each other. unless u r dating then yes.
I'm a girl and i would say 1mn-3mn