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Not too often that you end up spamming her.

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Q: How many times should text a girl?
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You get a text from a girl that likes you but you have no idea who it is what should you do?

you should ask and wait for an answer

How long should you wait to text a girl back between texts?

text back asap!

Should you text a girl after you hooked up if you were both drunk?

Yes you should

Should the girl send the guy a text after getting off with him the night before or should she wait for him to txt her?

if you really like them, just text him/her.

What to text a girl that you like?

Just ask her out, it should be easier if not in person.

Should you text a girl that said she would text you later?

Nope, you will seem desperate. Best to play it cool.

What does it mean if a girl says text you but she never responds?

There could be many reasons that a girl may not text someone back, even if they ask the person to text them. The girl may not be that into the person, or they may have been busy and have not had time to text the person back.

How often should a girl text a guy?

twice a day every day

Should I text this girl Long story short I texted this girl last summer but screwed it up badly. Now I still like her and want to text her again. (We do share a class) Should I text her?

You could try. As you are in the same class, you could even try talking to her.

How many days should separate when you text the guy you like?

This is my opinon but I wouldn't mind being text by a girl everday or so if he a close "friend" he won't mind. Just don't be to obsesive. -alex

A girl should text a boy first all the time?

No, only the same gender should text each other. unless u r dating then yes.

How long should you wait to text a girl back to not seem desperate?

I'm a girl and i would say 1mn-3mn