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Once, because the first time The USA, UK, Canada and France will attack instantly after the first!

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Q: How many times over can Russia destroy the Earth with nuclear weapons?
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What is the destructive capabilities of a modern nuclear weapon?

Modern nuclear weapons have such tremendous destructive capabilities that the existing arsenals could easily destroy all cities, all human life, and possibly all other life on Earth as well, as a result of the high level of radioactivity which would follow the actual explosions.

How many times can the world be destroyed by nuclear weapons?

As stated, the question is overly obvious; the world can be destroyed only once because once it is destroyed, there is nothing left to be destroyed, right? How many times could the same ceramic dish be shattered? More than once, but only if you are willing to glue it together again, and if the whole world were to be shattered, there would be no one left to glue it together again (unless you are expecting aliens from outer space to take an interest). However, you might have been thinking of the principle of overkill, that the nuclear arsenals of the world contain more weapons than would be needed to destroy the entire world. At a rough guess, the total inventory of nuclear weapons in the world is sufficient to destroy a dozen worlds at least (if we had a means of getting to other worlds, of course). But the Earth can be destroyed only once.

If all of the nuclear weapons during the cold war were sent at the same time how many times over would the earth be destroyed?

Anything after 'once' is academic

Are nuclear bombs going to destroy the world?

Not likely. It may be possible to sterilize the surface, but the earth itself is far more robust than the fragile life upon it.

How is uranium converted to a useable resource?

Uranium is extracted from the earth by mining; after this it is processed by chemical/metallurgical procedures in useful materials as nuclear fuels, nuclear weapons, chemicals for the industry and laboratory etc.

Related questions

Can Nuclear weapons destroy the entire earth?

yes and no depending on how much nuclear bombs it can start a ice age like the asteroid that hit earth so its not enough to destroy the earth

Are nuclear weapons effective?

Yes they are very effective. Nuclear weapons are dangerous and really effective to destroy all life on earth. They are very powerful.

How many times over can the US destroy the Earth with nuclear weapons?

Four Times Over

Are nukes defensive?

No. Nukes are nuclear weapons but they suppose to use nukes to protect the earth not to destroy the earth. Eventually, nukes are not the best idea to use against other countries. We all know that nukes can win war but you should not use them.

Can the earth will free from nuclear weapons?

Your questions asks for an opinion. My opinion is no. The knowledge of how to build a nuclear weapon is out there. There are too many people with different views and values for nuclear weapons to just go away.

What is more likely to destroy the earth asteroids meteors or nukes?

In the short term, say, the next 100 years, we should worry much more about nuclear weapons. It is possible, but not very likely, that an asteroid will destroy mankind, or even cause serious damage, in the next 100 years.

How did the USSR react to the explosion of their first atomic bomb?

Roosevelt was a bit too open about the general concept of the atomic bomb. Stalin took in everything he heard and soon Russia or the Soviet Union had nuclear weapons also, making the US and the Soviet Union the two big world superpowers, with stockpiles of nuclear weapons that could destroy the Earth. I'm sure the Soviet Union believed at the time that since they were developing their own nuclear weapons, they weren't all that alarmed. To this day, after the Soviet Union crumbled, no one knows where some warheads have gone. It was easy for a terrorist to snatch a nuclear bomb or two from the unguarded Soviet stockpiles abandoned when the Soviet Union became no more.

How many times can a nuclear war destroy earth?

not worth thinking about , a nuclear war would in itself be a chain reaction causing humanitys elimination . the earth cannot be destroyed but we can .

How many tnt to destroy the earth?

It may take a thousand of tons on TNT to pack a nuclear bomb. But to destroy the earth, it may take billions to trillions tons of TNT plus a nuclear igniter to blow the earth to bits of dust.

What modern weapons are used and how can they destroy the world?

One Modern weapon that the USA has is the nuclear bomb. Also known as the atom bomb. The USA also has a large missile that can go any place on Earth and can cause major damage.

What is most destructive weapon in earth?

The most destructive weapon on earth is the hydrogen bomb. These weapons are potentially thousands of times more powerful than ordinary atom bombs (which use nuclear fission rather than fusion) and could easily destroy a city in seconds.

Does China have the capability of sending a nuclear weapon to the USA?

Yes. All countries with nuclear weaponry do, allies and enemies alike. Not just from land-based silos, but nuclear submarines can launch nuclear warheads from anywhere in the world's oceans.Nuclear weapons are not an offensive weapon, they are more or less a defensive weapon.Having nuclear weapons is a warning to your enemies. "We have nuclear weapons too, so if you drop a nuclear bomb on us, we can do the same to you".The only time they have been used as an offensive weapon is against Japan in World War Two. Nowadays they are just a method of defence, a psychological warning aimed at other countries with nuclear weaponry.However, other than a national defence method, nuclear weapons can also be used as a planetary defence method, to defend the Earth from asteroids on a crash-course with us. A multi-national effort can be put together amongst nuclear-ready nations to destroy the asteroid before it collides with Earth and wipes out all life.