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It is currently not possible to tell how many views each video has received as per Facebook Support

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Q: How many times has my Facebook video been viewed?
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Is there any way to see who or how many times someone looks at your Facebook page?

No, Facebook does not allow users to see who has viewed their profile or how many times it has been viewed.

Can you tell how many times your profile has been viewed on Facebook?

There is no official way to tell how many times your profile has been viewed on Facebook. There are some third party apps that claim to do this, but many do not deliver on the promises or end up being only viruses or malware.

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Facebook has not started Facebook video calling..... If you look up on Google "Facebook Video Calling" it will come up with a page that says facebook video calling has not been started yet.. but it will be co ing soon.....

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There is no way to see who has viewed your Facebook profile. Facebook is a public site and anyone, unless they have been blocked specifically by you, can see that you have a profile. Your privacy settings determine what they can see.

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wiki answers has been viewed over 5 million times.

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Hits are the amount of times an online video has been played. For example, a video that has been watched one million times has one million hits.

What does the people on the side of your profile on FACEBOOK mean?

Well on my Facebook it is always the same people and it seems to be the people i like more or talk to more. i Have been told it is the people who had viewed your profile that week :) xx

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Use the Facebook thing.

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Facebook has been sued numerous times for various reasons, including privacy breaches, antitrust concerns, and content moderation issues. The exact number of lawsuits against Facebook is difficult to pinpoint due to the constant filing and resolution of legal cases.

What is post impression in Facebook?

Post impression is a count of how many times a post have been seen throughout Facebook (on your wall or on people's own walls).