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Depends on how big the songs are

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Q: How many song are on a 3GB ipod?
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How do you jailbreak a ipod 3g?

There is no 3gb on the iPod touch.

How do you jailbreak a iPod Touch 3G?

There is no 3gb on the ipod touch.

Where can you buy an iPod with 3GB?

thre isn't one

Does a iPod touch 3gb case fit an 8gb iPod?

no and it doesn't the other way either

Is there a 3GB iPod touch?

The second generation ipod touch only come in 8gb, 16gb, and 32gb models

Would an apple iPod Nano 8GB fit into an apple iPod Nano 3GB dock?

yes, every ipod has the same size thing to put on your dock, trust me i have one.

Does an I Pod touch 3GB have a camera?

im sure you meant ipod touch 3g and no it doesnt have camera

How much do 3gb ipod touches cost?

There is no such thing as 3gb iPod touches. Apple has only released 8gb, 16gb, and 32gb. The only similar touch releases are the one from Japan and China that share similar functions, but are not Apple. These are cheaper, as they are not original Apple, and they also range in their hard drive space.

How many MB are the in 3GB's?


How many songs can you put ona 16g iPod?

How many song can you put on a 16 gb ipod touch

How many songs is 3gb?

About 500-600.

How do you put a theme on an iPod touch?

To put a theme on an iPod Touch, you have to jailbreak the iPod Touch.It depends on how long the song is, and how many MB or GB space your iPod has.