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You can't change the name of a song directly from your iPod Touch. You can only do it on iTunes.

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Q: How do you change the name of a song on your ipod touch?
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How do you change the song on your IPod touch if it is locked?

you double click the home button .

How do you get songs added to your songs on ipod touch?

you plug your itouch in to the computer then, go on itunes and after that you drag the songs or just a song that you want on to the ipod to where it says i dont know like...Sarah's ipod touch or what ever you name is ipod touch. Then, it will downlaod on to it.

How do you add songs on a iPod touch?

You buy the song and it pops up on your ipod touch!

How much is an ipod touch song?

An 'iPod Touch song' is a song you buy from iTunes, and the price of the songs can either be $.69, $.99, or $1.29 depending on the popularity of the song.

How do you undelete a song ON an iPod touch?

Go into itunes store on your iphone/ipod touch, click on downloads>purchased then search for your song

How do you delete a song that you bought on your ipod touch?

To remove a song from your iPod Touch, simply delete it from your computer and sync your iPod. When your iPod is syncing it will remove the song from your device.Note: If you delete music purchased from iTunes you will not be able to re-download this song or get a refund.

How do you name a song on your ipod touch?

on your computer go to itunes, right click on the song go to "GET INFO" then go to info and you will see what to do from there

Can you transfer songs from your iPod Nano to your iPod touch and if you can how do you do it?

You can go on iTunes with your ipod touch and you can put on the same songs that were on your nano that is how i did mine though Yes, you can. You can use iPod 2 iPod, it can help you transfer song from iPod Nano to your iPod touch.

How do you put a theme on an iPod touch?

To put a theme on an iPod Touch, you have to jailbreak the iPod Touch.It depends on how long the song is, and how many MB or GB space your iPod has.

How do you sync music to an iPod touch?

if you have itunes then you buy the song then plug in your touch

Where can I get the song Goodbye by Kesha on my iPod touch?


How do you delete songs from a ipod touch?

In iTunes just unckeck the song and then sync your ipod. The song won't sync to your ipod touch unless you tell it to sync your entire library. It's that simple. Hope this helped :)