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As a general rule, 5 or 6

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Q: How many shots are in a 38 revolver?
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What is a smith Wesson revolver model 49?

Model name = Bodyguard; 5 shots, shrouded hammer, 38 Spl

What is the difference between a 38 special revolver and aregular revolver?

38 special is only a revolver caliber. that's like saying a 44 magnum revolver or a 500 special revolver. a revolver is a revolver

Why is the revolver pistol important?

the revolver allows multiple shots with reloading,that can be handy.

Difference between a 38 revolver and a 38 special?

It depends on what you mean. A .38 revolver may be a .38 special, but there are other types of .38 besides just the special round.

Can you shoot 38 caliber ammo from a 38 plus p revolver?

A ".38 +P revolver" is simply a .38 Special revolver which is rated to fire +P loads. It's still a .38 Special, and the +P doesn't change the dimensions of the round itself.

Can you use 38 super ammo in a 38 revolver?


How many bullets does a 38 revolver hold?

Typically, it holds six rounds.

What are the parts of 38 revolver and their function?

The parts of the 38 revolver include a replaceable cylinder, ammunition, a speed loader a moon clip. The 38 revolver is basically used to fire bullets to specific targets.

Anything about howard arms 38 spcl. break open revolver?

I just saw one at my local dealer for under $200. According to the clerk, it may or may not take too many shots... I just saw one at my local dealer for under $200. According to the clerk, it may or may not take too many shots...

How many rounds in a 606 Taurus magnum revolver?

The Taurus 606 .357 Magnum is 6 shots.

Will a 38 long barrel revolver leave residue on clothing?

will a 38 revolver leave gun residue on clothing when fired

How many 38 Special models did the American Revolver Company make?

No published history