i just bought a 870 express synthetic, The default config is 4 in the magazine, 1 in the chamber. They say 5 but that's what they mean.
Model 58 is an automatic not a bolt action
You can download an owner's manual for free at Remington's web site.
Open the action. KEEP YOUR FINGER OFF THE TRIGGER WHILE YOU DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tough question, the Remington model 550 is a .22 rifle not a 12 gauge shotgun.
remington wingmaster 16 gauge
what is a remington 20ga shotgun patented 1891,1903,1904 worth?
They are going for between 125-230 dollars depending on condition.
Take it to a gunsmith.
your Remington is going for 130 dollars in fair shape to 295 dollars for one in very good condition.
Remington makes a industrial 8 gauge kiln gun.
Depends on gauge.