Remington made 646,000 US model of 1917 rifles for the goverment during world war I. Winchester and eddystone also produced rifles for the U S goverment during that time,with eddystone being the largest producer.
According to Remington 60,000 from 1967-1987.
Only Remington knows.
There would be to many combinations to include in this answer.the Remington model 514 was made from 1948-1971. Look at related links for a explaination and table on the Remington Society of America.
The Remington Model 700 is a bolt-action rifle. It was made by the Remington Arms in 1962. It can come in many different stock, barrel and caliber configurations.
depending on what you want to know the Remington model740 is the previous model b4 the Remington 742 they were chambered in many calibers for deer hunting and had a 5 rd clip
Only Remington knows.
.30 Remington is a caliber (now obsolete), not an identifier of the manufacturer of the rifle or its model number. Not many rifles were chambered for that round, and, if a Remington, it may be a Model 8 which was made in the time frame you reference. Take it to a reputable gun dealer to be examined and appraised, as it was made in various grades which can generate serious collector interest. It could also be a Model 14 or 14 1/2 slide action
The Nylon 66 is a rifle that was made by Remington from 1959 to 1989. The brown and chrome model was Nylon 66MB and over 700,000 were produced.
I have serial # 1185 man. by F.N. , if that gets you started. I also have one man. by Remington in 1937. In total there were 85,000 of this design made between 1910 and 1951.
There is no answer to this question, or rather there are many answers. The Rem 700 is the model number of a Remington bollt action rifle. This model was chambered for many different calibers ie. .243, .270, .30-06etc.