If you mean the literal number of people who like the show, that number is incalculable.
Nothing like this happens in Family Guy. Purple Haze seems to have absolutely no connection to Family Guy. Please be more specific in your question so it can be answered properly.
all of them
Try and whistle your s's
It would be easier for you to do a Google Image Search Family Guy Opie than for someone to attempt to describe his appearance in words.
Seth McFarlane and the people who made Family Guy
If you mean the literal number of people who like the show, that number is incalculable.
Yes, millions upon millions of people watch and presumably like Family Guy
Any answer really should be put in the "Discussion Area" but for a quick response... Family Guy averaged 7.5 million people per episode during Season 7 so I wouldn't call that "not many people".
everyone A lot of people from around the world do. I am from England and everyone i know like family guy.
How many people are in family guy in the full moveYour question makes no sense. Please fix this so it can be answered properly.
about 50 people
Football by many many millions of people.
It has a type of humor for everyone. That makes people laugh
They do. Family Guy is very popular, but many find may find it offensive in much the same way that some people find South Park offensive. But as the saying goes, you can't please everybody.
It depends on your sense of humor. some people find it funny but some people find it offensive. i would elaborate more but i have to go family guy is almost on Todays youth is into that kind of junk like me
Haha... Family Guy. He was crazy and liked to kill fat people. His criminal name was that fat guy strangler.
I, along with millions of other people, watch Family Guy every day.