It depends on which country, but I know that in the UK it is roughly 1 in 100.
Some people are 100% gay. That's as gay as you can get.
Virtually 100% of people who consider themselves gay really are gay. There are a few exceptions, where a person might be confused about their orientation, but those people wouldn't consider themselves gay.
1 in every 100 people are born gay and that applies to gay women as well!
There aren't many gay people. Only about 3% to 8% of the population is gay.
Probably not 100% gay but Brighton, England has a high population of gay people. The UK is pretty tame with gay people besides the fact marriage isn't allowed.
8,562 people are gay.
Gay People typically do not marry Straight People.
By definition, a "straight" guy would never have any gay feelings (if you're talking about attractions). If a man has gay feelings, he's not 100% straight.Please note that this is not the same thing as having gay thoughts or gay dreams. Any man many have these thoughts. But they are not attractions.
People can be gay. There are many gay people in the world.
Gay people can be happy. Many gay guys that are in relationships are usually happy. I'm gay and happy and single. Sometimes I am not happy but only because I feel lonely.
to find out how many gay people are in relationships, one must find out how many gay people there are in the world. Which is next to impossible because there are sill many homosexuals who still refuse to come out of the closet.