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One, the US to end WW2.

There has been alot of saberrattling since then with them, but no use.

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Q: How many nations have used nuclear weapon in an aggressive manner?
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Related questions

What is the meaning of nuclear weapon?

The meaning of the word nuclear weapon, is a weapon that has a nuclear warhead on it.

Who are the main parties trying to stop Iran's nuclear weapon program?

United States and Israel, and possibly other nations.

Is England a nuclear weapon country?

Yes, England is a nuclear weapon country. It is one of the four nuclear-armed states recognized by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). The United Kingdom maintains a fleet of ballistic missile submarines armed with nuclear warheads, known as Trident.

What is a nuclear weapon in wich enormous energy is released by nuclear fission?

This nuclear weapon is called an atomic bomb or a nuclear bomb

Which one has the ability to destroy entire cities and impair electronic communications systems?

Nuclear weapon detonations

Is an bomb or a nuclear weapon more powerful?

If by "bomb" you mean a conventional explosive weapon, then the nuclear weapon is more powerful.

Who becomes the 3rd nation to join the nuclear club with the explosion of an atomic weapon?

Nations that are known or believed to possess nuclear weapons are sometimes referred to as the nuclear club. In order of acquisition of nuclear weapons these are: the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, and China.

What is a nuclear weapon made of?

nuclear chemicals such as plutonium

Can a nuclear reactor be used as a nuclear weapon?

No, a nuclear reactor cannot be used as a nuclear weapon. The design and purpose of a nuclear reactor are different from those of a nuclear weapon. The fuel and technology used in reactors are not suitable for producing the type of explosive power needed for a nuclear weapon.

What is the spread of nucear weapons called?

The spread of nuclear weapons in the world is a major concern for all nations and peoples. The term used for the spread of these weapons id proliferation. The US, Russia, Pakistan, India, UK, France, China, Israel are among the list of nations with a nuclear weapon.

Does the Philippines have a nuclear weapon?


Does Philippines has a nuclear weapon?
