Alcohol is metabolized by the liver, at the rate of about 0.6 ounces (14 ml) per hour of pure alcohol (assuming a healthy liver).
80 hours after the alcohol has been metabolized by the body.
The liver can metabolize one ounce of alcohol in one hour. Assuming each shot is one ounce, it would take three hours.
The body can metabolize the alcohol contained in one standard drink in about one hour.
The average male can metabolize one serving of alcohol (one 12oz beer, one 3.5oz glass of wine, one shot of hard liquor) per hour. If you drink for a long time or many drinks at once, your body begins to lag a bit and it takes a bit longer to metabolize. If you are a girl it takes longer as well.
Alcohol leaves the body within hours rather than days.
Two for men, one for women, who do not metabolize alcohol as quickly as men.
The general rule is the body can metabolize one drink per hour. A drink is defined as 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of 80-proof distilled spirits, all of which contain the same amount of alcohol. But, there are several variables in this. If you have eaten a meal before drinking, metabolizing is slowed. If it was high in fat slower yet. Women metabolize alcohol differently than men.
The body metabolizes alcohol at the rate of approximately 1/3 ounce of pure alcohol per hour. Nothing can be done to speed that up. If you chug one ounce of 190 proof (and are able to keep it down) it will take three hours to clear it from your body; six hours for two ounces, etc. This translates to about two 12-0z. beers in three hours.
It takes the liver 1 hour to metabolize one ounce of ethanol.AnswerNot quite. The body can metabolize one standard drink--which is 0.45 ounce of alcohol--in an hour.
Most people metabolize the alcohol found in one drink consumed per hour.
Normally 24 hours it will stay in your system, but it can stay in the milk, until you pump and dump or up to 72 hours. It's best not to drink or in moderation, and always consult your doctor. Good Luck! www tinyike com